Personal consultation – professional and customer-oriented

Your contact partner

Our expertise for ensuring a perfect start to your project

Right from the very outset, Hydrostat offers in-depth professional advice that focuses on you and your project. 

Working closely with you, we take the available data and determine which type of shock absorber, which properties and which dimensions are the perfect fit for your requirements.

In the preliminary design phase, we simulate the behaviour of one or more shock absorbers and synchronise the spring systems and shock absorber systems optimally with each other.

You can rest assured that we always work with the customer in mind and can be contacted at all times during the project – and beyond. Take advantage of over two decades of experience and the expertise of a European pioneer on the hydrostatic shock absorber market. 

Contact us today for an initial consultation, without obligation: Tel.: +49 2366 9383311.


The hydrostatic principle

HYDROSTAT shock absorbers protecting lifes and values since 1995. We offer a complete range of services – from consulting thru development till manufacturing and testing.  


Your personal contact

We are pleased to serve you: from HYDROSTAT you can expect well-founded consulting service that is focused on you and your project.

Talk to us: Tel .: +49 2366 9383311.

get in touch with Hydrostat